Article: Adapt or die: what engineers must do to evolve with the changing tech landscape

As technology continues to evolve, the engineering landscape is undergoing significant transformations. From the rise of generative AI to the ever-present challenges of cybersecurity, engineers today must navigate a rapidly changing environment. Taryn Stark, Program Chief Engineer at Boeing, shares her insights on the tech trends that are shaping the future of engineering and how engineers can solve the challenges that lie ahead.

Exciting tech trends, opportunities, and their impact on engineering projects

Taryn is particularly excited about the potential of AI in engineering. "Content creation through the use of generative AI can assist in developing technical data and other communications, as well as creating accurate computer source code," she explains. Stark views generative AI as a "valuable thought partner" that can significantly enhance the quality and creativity of engineering work.

Generative AI offers engineers new ways to streamline complex processes, reduce time spent on repetitive tasks, and explore innovative solutions. By leveraging AI as a tool for content creation and problem-solving, engineers can push the boundaries of what’s possible in project design and execution. This technology not only improves efficiency but also fosters a more dynamic and creative approach to engineering challenges.

How engineers should adapt to technology changing their roles

The role of engineers is evolving alongside advancements in technology, particularly with the integration of generative AI tools. According to Stark, these tools allow engineers to "quickly consider and analyse multiple sources," reducing the time and effort needed for upfront research. This shift enables engineers to focus more on the implications of their solutions in real-world environments.

Stark highlights that this increased efficiency in research and data analysis frees up engineers to devote more attention to the design and impact of their projects. "With less effort on upfront research, engineers can turn more effort towards considering the impacts of their solutions in target environments, resulting in improved product design," she notes. This evolution in the engineering role underscores the importance of adaptability and a deeper focus on the practical application of technology in diverse contexts.

Tech challenges on the horizon and how engineers can solve them

One of the most pressing challenges on Stark’s radar is cybersecurity. "Cybersecurity impacts all aspects of our lives and engineering solutions," she emphasises. In today's interconnected world, ensuring the security of digital and physical systems is paramount. Engineers must now consider cybersecurity from the very beginning of the product development lifecycle.

Stark points out that incorporating appropriate cybersecurity controls early in the design process is crucial. "Considering appropriate cybersecurity controls from the outset of a product development lifecycle has the potential to make or break the effectiveness of the final product," she asserts. This approach highlights the growing need for engineers to possess not only technical expertise but also a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity principles and their implications for product development.

The broader implications of technology in engineering

The insights shared by Taryn Stark illustrate the transformative impact of technology on the engineering profession. As generative AI becomes more integrated into engineering workflows, the role of engineers is shifting towards a more strategic and design-focused approach. At the same time, the increasing importance of cybersecurity presents both a challenge and an opportunity for engineers to innovate and ensure the resilience of their solutions.

Beyond these specific trends, the broader technological landscape in engineering is characterised by rapid change and the constant emergence of new tools and methodologies. Engineers must remain adaptable and forward-thinking, continuously updating their skills and knowledge to keep pace with these developments.

The future of engineering is being shaped by powerful technological trends like generative AI and the critical need for cybersecurity. Engineers who embrace these changes and approach their work with creativity and foresight will be well-positioned to drive innovation and deliver impactful solutions in a rapidly evolving world.

Interested in learning more about how to adapt the latest tech trends impacting engineering? Don’t miss the keynote presentations, panel sessions and other discussions with thought leaders at the upcoming Women in Engineering Summit 2024. Learn more.

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