Pre-conference masterclass - Tuesday, 15 October

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The pre-conference masterclasses provide attendees with morning and afternoon tea breaks and a 1-hour lunch break allowing for extra networking opportunities and in-depth learning.

The masterclass starts at 09:00 and finishes at 17:00.

Masterclass A: Leadership skills for current and emerging engineering leaders

In the face of a rapidly evolving business landscape, skills shortages, dynamic workplaces, and disruptive technologies, the demand for a unique set of leadership skills is more critical than ever. These skills are essential for navigating an engineering profession that’s always changing, allowing leaders to remain resilient amid disruptions while fostering meaningful relationships that inspire and motivate teams.

Join us for an interactive and practical workshop where you will not only learn but also apply these vital leadership skills. Here's what you'll gain:

  • Discover the art of leadership vs management: Understand the distinct differences and why leading your team can yield greater results than simply managing them
  • Cultivate a high-performing team: Acquire the tools to create and sustain a team that is highly engaged and consistently performs at its best
  • Define your leadership vision and purpose: Identify what you stand for as a leader, creating a clear and compelling vision that inspires those around you
  • Personalize your leadership style: Recognise and develop a leadership style and set of values that resonate with your authentic self
  • Enhance communication and build trust: Learn effective frameworks and tools to improve communication, build trust, and foster collaboration, leading to increased productivity and success
  • Elevate your leadership presence: Develop techniques to strengthen your leadership presence, expand your influence, and maximise your impact

This workshop is tailored for aspiring, emerging & current leaders who are ready to invest in their growth and drive exceptional outcomes. By participating in this masterclass, you will position yourself as a forward-thinking leader, equipped to lead with confidence and drive significant impact in your organisation.


Catherine Hollyman
Founder | Leadership Communication Strategist & Coach
Behind the Scenes Communications

Masterclass B: Mastering project management for engineers – your essential toolkit for success

In the dynamic and intricate field of engineering, mastering project management is key to driving successful project outcomes. Engineering projects are often multifaceted, involving diverse stakeholders, tight deadlines, complex technical specifications, and substantial resources. Without effective planning, coordination, and oversight, projects risk falling behind schedule, exceeding budgets, and compromising quality.

Join us for an immersive, hands-on, full-day workshop designed specifically for engineers. This masterclass will equip you with practical insights, tools, and strategies to confidently plan, coordinate, and lead engineering projects to success.

In this engaging and practical workshop, you'll acquire vital skills to efficiently manage your projects, including:

  • Crafting a comprehensive and actionable project plan
  • Designing an effective communication strategy to ensure seamless information flow
  • Developing techniques to manage teams, foster collaboration, and resolve conflicts
  • Assessing and prioritising risks with both qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Setting key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for accurate project tracking
  • Implementing robust project monitoring and control systems
  • Deploying quality assurance processes to ensure your deliverables meet the highest standards
  • Conducting thorough project evaluations and reviews to learn and improve

By the end of this transformative session, you'll leave with a strong confidence in your project management capabilities and a toolkit of best practices tailored to the engineering landscape. Whether you're an experienced professional or just embarking on your career, this masterclass will give you the competitive edge to become a sought-after leader in the engineering world.


Eva Simak
Project Manager, Founder, Performance Coach & Author
Pinnacle Coaching and Consulting